
This outfit post was supposed to be posted last Saturday but I was hospitalized because of my cough and colds -_- It was crazy! Been there til' wednesday. Thank God I'm finally home. Nothing serious so yeah, but the Dr. said i need to take a few more days to regain my strength before going back to work. I was a bit excited tho because been bugging my Doctors about it. Haha! Kept asking them if I can go to work already. But anyways, Im good that's all that matters now :D 

Oh im missing my long hair and my highlights :( They're gone now, Did cut my hair and told my hairstylist to cover my highlights already because my workplace doesn't want me to have one. Well, maybe in a few more months again. Haha! Too many backlogs but I promise to post more. Deets below :D Hope you likey my houndstooth coordinates :*

Houndstooth Coordinates: Anisha Ramnani
Cleated Platform Heels: Chloe Edit from Zalora
Necklace: Bubbles

Told myself to include candid shots on my blog posts. I was too happy huh? Haha! :D


You'll be able to witness my fave kind of poses. Haha! The right/left side pose without looking at the camera; the one's quite seductive type or naaah; the fixing my hair pose; the not looking at all pose and of course, my smiley smiling face. Haha! 

Now, im being hyper in this post. Uuuuuuhhh! It's just that I'm too happy that I cannot contain myself anymore. HAHA! Is this love? Am I smelling love in the air? Lol! I'll let the people wonder about it. I've been too open about my life recently, so this time I'll try to make things a bit private but not in a secret way :) If you get what I mean :D Hope you like the photos! Definitely going back to those murals soon! Loving it so mucho :) Thank you for the endless support! Watch out for the next post, will be giving away something :* Tschuss*

Much love,

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  1. Is this in La Union??? I love it! Always take care sweetiiee... See you soon! :)


  2. loving the poses byutifly,
    so pretty.

    Ms. Kei
